Meme | The Bandwagon
This used to be me @ opening picture.
Okay. Maybe not yet.
This is what I’m trying to change about me.
As more blacks join the natural hair bandwagon, we might tend to get overzealous about the natural hair thing. I maybe am really guilty of this. I’m always like: Don’t you think going natural is the best thing for you or when are you going natural? Added to that, sometimes I send photos of my fro to friends just to motivate them. It did work in most cases (smile) and in some few, not!
While embracing my natural hair texture is one of the best thing that has happened to my hair and I, it necessarily doesn’t have to be the same for others.
These days I’m letting the “to each his own” reduce my overzealous tendency for natural hair. Going natural at the end of it all should be a personal choice and shouldn’t be done with pestering or cajoling. Not going natural doesn’t make one less black or a slave to relaxer/perm.
So to all those who I’ve been pestering to return to their natural roots (and haven’t done so yet) ... should I apologize for being a pest?
I don’t think so!!!
All I can say is that henceforth, I’ll try my "best-est" not to bother you about going natural. Remember I said I’ll try oh! It’s a working process here.
Keep doing whatever you do that works for you!
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