Frospiration! | Sotie

January 21, 2018 Uloaku Enyingwa 0 Comments

Let’s get to know you.

Hi Hi! My name is Ibim-Dennis Sotonye (Sotie). I'm Nigerian and I currently live in Poland. I am a Medical student.

How long have you been natural?

It'll be exactly 2 years by this May 2018.

Big chop or transition?

I transitioned for 9 months and I finally chopped it off in May 2016.

What’s the story behind you going back to your natural roots?

Well, I went through a phase when the harsh winter weather and too much heat destroyed my healthy relaxed hair. It was badly damaged and just didn’t look good anymore. As a child, I was natural until I was 9 and I remember my hair been very long and healthy, so I started thinking of going natural. Although I went through 2 failed transitions before I could fully commit to the journey, I finally did it! No regrets yet.

Do you have an idea what your hair type and porosity is?

My hair type is 4C, Porosity-I have no idea.

What’s your regimen like?

Lol “Regimen” well I’m a lazy and busy natural so my hair is in protective styles most of the time. I wear wigs most of the time and try to wash  once a week( no longer than 2 weeks without a wash)

  • I pre-poo with a basic conditioner and coconut oil for an hour or more, sometimes overnight. Then detangle and section into 4 parts.
  • Then I wash with shampoo ( Yves Rocher for bouncy curls or Aussie miracle moist) these are the ones I can easily pick up from the store and they are super affordable. 
  • I condition with the Yves Rocher bouncy curls conditioner, rinse that out.
  • Afterwards with the Aussie miracle moist conditioner, I deep condition with a plastic bag or shower cap over my head for at least 1 hour. (this is done every other week).
  • Then I rinse with green tea, Condition with Cantu leave-in conditioner and finally, I seal the moisture in with my DIY shea butter, coconut oil, and almond oil mix. 

 All of this is just on wash day.  On a daily basis, I just spray my hair which is usually in cornrows with water and seal with coconut oil at night and tie my hair with a silk scarf.

Any hair products you can’t do without?

Cantu leave-in conditioner or any similar product. It makes detangling a lot easier.

What’s your go-to hairstyle? Any fave hairstyle?

I love to put my hair in a high puff when its out. its quick, easy and looks good.

Challenges you face as a natural.

The routine and finding the time to keep up with it is a real challenge.

Do you have any hair/styling secret? *wink*

My hair loves water so I try to keep it moisturized all the time.

Has going natural changed anything about you?

Going natural has taught me how to better care of my hair. I don’t use heat at all anymore and I’m more gentle with hair in general since I make other people’s hair part-time.  I’m  also much more confident when my hair is out and it's looking healthy and beautiful.

Do you think you’ll ever return back to the creamy crack?

 Well, yeah. I think I will eventually, but I might miss my curls and come right back. ðŸ˜‚

Any advice for your natural sisters out there?

The sacrifice is worth it. Don’t break your pockets in a bid to buy expensive hair products. A simple regular regimen will do the same thing. If you can’t find the popular ones Youtube hair gurus keep talking about then get what is available or affordable and make it work.

How do we keep in touch with you?

Instagram handle @sotie_ibim
Twitter handle @iam_sotie

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